We have reached a tipping point. The devastating effects of stressors of all kinds on our psyches, our bodies, our communities and our environment can no longer be denied. It is time to take a stand and offer solutions.
We believe that nature’s and humanity’s mechanisms of action are intimately connected, in the sense that we are part of a greater whole and live in an interdependent rhythm of life. Nature has immeasurable abilities to restore our balance, to soothe, to facilitate and to heal, so that everybody can live a fulfilling life wherever they are. We want to harness this knowledge and make a personal contribution with our pioneering spirit.
With this in mind, we primarily draw our inspiration and a wealth of ideas from nature, which we observe and acknowledge attentively. We bring traditional and handed-down knowledge into harmony with scientific research and highly modern, gentle processing technologies, producing the best raw materials and thus laying the basis for innovative and future-oriented product development.
We consciously incorporate our achievements into different business areas, because health must not only become the focus of attention when we fall ill, but rather all actions must be subordinated to a holistic understanding of humankind and nature. We are therefore keen to make our findings available to cosmetics, food, animal feed and pharmaceutical companies, so that wellbeing and sustainable health management is possible with intelligent applications from different directions.
We are convinced that the future will largely belong to natural applications and methods that holistically promote and strengthen health and bring people into harmony with their natural resources. We align our company accordingly and are guided by these core values, because they are the driving force behind the changes we are striving for – on a personal level, in society and in the environment.
Thurbruggstrasse 4
9215 Schönenberg an der Thur
Tel: +41 (0)71 642 15 61
Medropharm Deutschland GmbH
Lessingstrasse 10
10555 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 171 7912529